Bluffton Middle School is a state-of-the-art, STEM-focused, sixth through eighth grade middle school aimed at being a "school of tomorrow" where learning through technology empowers students to meet the challenge of the 21st century.
Learning through Leadership
Considering a school for your child is an important decision for all families, especially at the middle school level when students are beginning to identify themselves, socialize, and begin their trajectory towards high school and the world beyond. Bluffton Middle School is proud to present its newest school of choice opportunity: Learning through Leadership. Learning through Leadership schools provide a comprehensive learning model through student leadership development based on the Leader in Me, or similar approach. Learning through Leadership program goals include: fostering a student’s self-esteem, discipline, responsibility, confidence, and creativity. Students will learn to set and meet goals, effectively cooperate with people of various backgrounds and cultures, and resolve conflicts and solve problems. Through this initiative, students will be encouraged to find their voice and begin to cultivate leadership qualities that will enable them to be successful leaders in their academic settings, as well as throughout their adult life. This program will include:
- Leadership Curriculum
- Leadership Opportunities
- Student Goal Setting
- Student- led Conferences
- Resources
Leadership Curriculum
Successful leaders have common qualities: communication, goal-setting, collaboration, problem-solving, and positive energy. Through Advisory every morning, BLMS will facilitate experiences during which students will be able to work with others, serve the good of the whole, and produce experiences that will enrich the lives of each student in the group.
Leadership Opportunities
Exposure to new and meaningful experiences are important in cultivating empathetic and thoughtful citizens. BLMS will provide variety of experiences in which students will be able to find their individual strengths, encounter new situations, work collaboratively, and create products or serve others in order to enhance the learning environment within the school, as well as the community as a whole. The opportunities include performing arts, technology, digital arts, robotics, service-learning, athletics, a variety of clubs, as well as field experiences within the school and community.
Student Goal Setting
In order to grow and achieve as an individual, you must have goals, a plan of action, and the guidance and support from others. Students at BLMS will review their own relevant data, work habits, and specific goals with teachers, counselors, mentors, coaches, and administration to ensure growth in each grade level. We believe all students have individual strengths and areas of need that can be enhanced that impact overall growth and development. Students will be a part of the process in determining goals and action points for achieving those goals.
Student- led Conferences
Self-advocacy is essential to growth and development. You must know your honest current context, be able to determine needs, and acquire the resources needed for success. In knowing individual goals and working towards those goals, students will also be able to lead parent/teacher conferences to show growth through student work, work habits, and reflections throughout time.
· 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey, F. › the-7-habits
· Responsive Classroom.
· Habits of Mind. › wdp › Habits_of_Mind.
Project Lead the Way Gateway
PLTW Gateway Sparks Engagement and Illuminates Possibilities.
During this transitional time, PLTW Gateway’s 10 units empower students to lead their own discovery. The hands-on program boosts classroom engagement and excitement, drives collaboration, and inspires “aha! moments” and deep comprehension. And as students engage in PLTW’s activities in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science, they see a range of paths and possibilities they can look forward to in high school and beyond.
Each PLTW Gateway unit engages students in activities that not only build knowledge and skills in areas including computer science, engineering, and biomedical science, but also empower students to develop essential skills such as problem solving, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and perseverance.
STEM Certified School
Bluffton Middle School is proud to be an AdvancED Certified school. We embarked on the rigorous process of becoming certified in the 2017-2018 school year and recertified in 2023. AdvancED STEM Certification is a mark of distinction and excellence that provides institutions and programs within institutions a research-based framework and criteria for awareness, continuous improvement and assessment of the quality, rigor, and substance of their STEM educational program.