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Sixth Grade english topics to include Foundations in Reading & Writing and Analyzing- Memoirs & Narratives, Informational Text, Argument, Multi-genre, and Drama & Folklore.
Seventh Grade english topics Foundations in Reading & Writing and Analyzing- Bold Actions, Perception & Reality, Informational Text, Poetry, Multimedia, and Media & History.
Eighth Grade english topics Foundations in Reading & Writing and Analyzing- Multiple Genres, Nonfiction & Historical Fiction, Theme, and Narrative Nonfiction as well as Analysis & Argument.
At Bluffton Middle school our scholars demonstrate a wide breadth and scope of literacy through traditional as well as digital content for student differentiation.

Students have the ability to demonstrate their collaboration through sharing of ideas and knowledge through google classroom as well as though rich discussions.  We examine what the students need to learn, how they are learning it, and how they will demonstrate this learning to master the objectives in literacy.

students participating in socratic seminar.