School Improvement Council
Our school improvement council is a group comprised of staff, parents and community members with the goal of supporting the School Renewal Plan. This group was formed to served in an advisory and support capacity to collaborate on how best to improve the school.
The Council meets digitally on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. via zoom. Minutes can be found published and posted on the school website under SIC Minutes & Agendas.
SIC Meeting Minutes
November 2021
Bluffton Middle School SIC November 04, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Attendance on ZOOM: Matthew Hall, Erika Wynne, Emalee Baker, Emily Paul, Gwen Chambers, Heather Bundy,
Jennifer Barefield, Joe Evenden, Kim Broestier, Linda Poppy, Lucero Texta, Alyssa McClure, Corry Thompson,
Linda Tuttle, Carolyn, Westphal
● Principal Report
o Report cards were sent on 10/29, several students made the Principal’s Honor Roll and Honor
o Successfully conducted 1st quarter PBIS, next PBIS will be held 12/17
o Mustang Round will be held 11/5, will focus on respect and gratitude character traits
o Fall sports season concluded ▪ Football had a good season ▪ Girls Volleyball team finish as district runners-up ▪ Three BLMS students competed in the High School State meet, congratulations to Elise
Hunt, Aubrey Sampson, and Boyd Collins
o Beta club will hold a fund raiser for the SC State Convention on 11/10
o PTO movie night fund raiser will be 12/11
o MAP testing will occur during the second week of Dec
o Thanks to Cornerstone Church for providing a surprise teacher appreciation goodies cart on
o Field trips have returned and are being scheduled ▪ 7th grade – May River kayak trip ▪ ESOL – HHI Discovery Museum ▪ 6th grade – Savannah Oatland Island
● Old Business
o Discussed updates to School Renewal Plan
o Reviewed discussed BLMS GAP data
o Discussed SIC’s 1st annual on ESOL test data, on a motion by Linda Tuttle and 2nd by Linda
Poppy, goal 1 was unanimously approved
o Discussed 2nd annual to improve teacher retention, on a motion by Alyssa McClure and 2nd by
Gwen Chambers, goal 2 was unanimously approved
● New Business
o Discussed SIC’s 3rd annual goal to explore opportunities for federal, state, and/or local
recognition awards for BLMS; on a motion by Kim Broestier and 2nd by Linda Tuttle, goal 3 was
unanimously approved
o Emalee Baker will coordinate a small group committee to collaborate on plans for goal
o Discussed support from Outback Steakhouse for Mustang of the Month program
o It was noted that the 1st Teacher of the month will be announced on 11/5
Next meeting: December 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
On a motion by Kim Broestier, 2nd by Linda Poppy; the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM.
January 2022
Attendance on ZOOM: Matthew Hall, Emalee Baker, Erika Wynne, Kiley Wynne, Victoria Raza Turcotte, Allison Baumgardner, Emily Paul, Kim Broestler, Kathryn Martin, Heidi McAllister, Sharon Brown, Samantha Smith, John Stewart.
Welcome/Call to Order at 6 pm- Emalee Baker motioned, Keith Stewart 2nd
· Approval of December 2021 Minutes: Keith Stewart motioned, Emalee Baker 2nd
· Principal’s Report
o Starting new semester
o Map testing before the holidays- positive results
o Access Testing starts 1/29/22
o Cornerstone Church- Thank you
o New teacher starting for project lead the way. They have a business background.
o Covid+ 31 students. 110 total students quarantined for close contact. 7 teachers out with covid.
· Old Business
o Long Range Plan Approval
· New Business
o ESOL- provide teachers with information on ACCESS test requirements for students. Knowing what ESOL students will be asked to do will help classroom teachers plan activities and assessments that closely align to these requirements.
o ESOL- Have clear conversations with each student about with domains they are weak in and regularly check in. Work to ensure parents and students understand expectations for ACCESS test questions answers.
o ESOL – ESOL Family 1/18. What support does ESOL need from us? How can we maximize attendance?
o Teachers are seeking time together with no agenda. Explore options for duty-free lunch and/or coffee chat before school.
o Brainstorm teacher appreciation ideas.
o Doing holiday party in February. Discuss teacher retention.
Next meeting February 10, 2022 at 6:00 by Zoom
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. Keith Stewart motioned, Emalee Baker 2nd.
February 2022
· Meeting started at 6:00 pm- Motion to start by Matthew Hall, Emalee Baker 2nd.
· Attendance – Emalee Baker, Matthew Hall, Erika Wynne, Kiley Wynne, Linda Tuttle, Karyn Feldkamp, Kim Broestler, Carter Hartwell, Kinsey Butler, Gwen Chambers, Allison Walton
· January Minutes approved by Emalee Baker, 2nd by Matthew Hall
· Principal Report
o ACCESS going on at this time. Stressed taking their time and it is going well.
o Giving out leadership binders.
o Basketball- Girls and boys went to playoffs. Boys out in the first round. Girls won 2nd in county.
o Wrestling- A girl from Bluffton Middle went to state.
o Had meeting with Human Resources. Down 30 students next year because Bluffton Middle is losing a large 8th grade class and gaining a smaller 6th grade class. Still need a 3rd counselor and adding a new teacher for academic arts.
· Old Business
o ESOL parent night went well. Hargray gave cooler. One Hot Mama’s gave gift cards. There was a good response.
o Motivation Monday is scheduled for February 28. Please deliver snacks and drinks to the front office in the morning. Gwen Chambers and Emalee Baker setting up.
· New Business
o Staff SEL needs: discussed food, coffee bar, mental health help.
o April meeting is with Bluffton High School SIC
o Brainstorm list of potential recognition opportunities to apply for the 20-23 school year.
§ Buffton Today
§ Palmetto Electric
§ Grants
§ Reilly SIC Award
§ Palmetto Finest
§ Panasonic Change
§ Milken Educator Award
· Next meeting March 10, 2022 at 6:00
· Adjourn at 6:45- Emalee Baker motioned, Matthew Hall 2nd
SIC Bylaws
Name of Organization
The name of the organization will be the Bluffton Middle School Improvement Council.
Purpose and Responsibility
The purpose and responsibility of the Bluffton Middle School Improvement Council will be to:
(1) Serve the school in an advisory and support role, bringing together parents, educators, and community members to collaborate on the continuous improvement of the school;
(2) Be involved in the schools’ School Renewal Plan by participating in developing the plan and assisting in implementing and evaluating the outcomes of the plan;
(3) Assist in preparation of annual Plan updates;
(4) Write the annual Report to Parents about the school’s progress in meeting Plan goals and objectives, due for distribution by April 30;
(5) Advise on the spending of any state incentive award funds (if allocated by the legislature and awarded to the school);
(6) Assist the principal in writing a brief explanatory narrative for inclusion in the annual
School Report Card;
(7) Advise on the revision of the School Renewal Plan if the school is rated “At Risk” on the
School Report Card;
(8) Provide other assistance that the principal may request as well as carrying out any other duties prescribed by the school board.
The council will not have any of the powers and duties reserved by law or regulation to the local school board.
Representation and Membership
Bluffton Middle School Improvement Council will be composed of a minimum of 6 members
(2-4 teachers, 2-4 parents, 2-4 representatives from the greater school community), not including ex-officio members. A ratio of two-thirds elected members to one-third appointed members will be maintained as mandated by state law, not including ex-officio members. Parents and teachers will be elected by their respective peers. Community members will be appointed by the school principal. Membership will be staggered and members will be encouraged to serve two year terms where appropriate (i.e. a parent still has a child in the school).
The principal will serve as an ex-officio member. In addition, ex-officio members may include the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) President, Teacher of the Year, past SIC chair, business partners and a representative from the school’s Leadership Team.
Election and Appointment Procedures
Elections will take place each year for a minimum of one member in each category to maintain a staggered membership. Yearly elections will take place in spring (May) so the SIC can organize over the summer and be ready when school opens. The principal will make appointments to the council in the spring and/or over the summer.
Information about parent elections will be communicated to parents. Information regarding parent elections will be sent to each feeder elementary school. Nominees will be asked to attend the spring meeting where they will be introduced as candidates. A brief statement regarding their qualifications and motivations for SIC membership will be given by the candidate or person making the nomination and voting will take place. At the spring SIC/PTO meeting a ballot will be available to all parents/guardians of every current 6th grade and raising 5th grade student. In addition, ballot boxes will be available the day following the meeting for use by parents who were unable to attend the meeting. Ballots will be counted by the outgoing SIC members.
Teacher representatives to the council will be elected by the faculty prior to the end of the school year.
The names and addresses of all council members will be forwarded to the school district and state following published guidelines.
Members will be encouraged to serve two-year terms. Ideally, terms will be staggered. No limit will be set on the number of terms a member may serve. The council may establish committees made up of teachers, parents, business leaders, and other community members to study specific issues and make recommendations to the council. These committees will not be permanent and
will have no responsibilities beyond those outlined by the council when established. The council may establish standing committees comprised of committee members (i.e. each member assigned a job and responsibility related to each goal on the SRP).
Membership on the council will terminate when a member:
(1) No longer has a child enrolled in the school;
(2) No longer holds a teaching position at the school;
(3) Has missed three consecutive scheduled meetings without proper notice to the chairperson;
(4) Submits a letter of resignation to the chairperson; or
(5) Is elected to the district school board.
In the event of any of the above situations, the SIC Chair will appoint a qualified person to fill an elected position. In the case of an appointed member, the principal will select a replacement. In both situations the replacement willfinish the term of the person being replaced. Individuals interested in holding a vacant office shall inform the SIC Chair and/or principal.
The officers of the Bluffton Middle School Improvement Council will consist of a chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary. The officers will be selected annually by the full council membership in the first council meeting of each academic year.
Duties of Officers
The chairperson will preside at all meetings and have general supervision of the activities of the council. The chairperson will work with the principal in planning and directing the activities of the council, including preparation of an agenda for all council meetings before each
meeting. The chairperson and principal will have the authority to modify the agenda if it is
determined to be in the best interest of the council’s work. The vice chairperson will exercise all functions in the absence of the chairperson and assist the chairperson as needed. The secretary is responsible for keeping a accurate account of the proceedings and transactions of all council
meetings, maintaining a council file in the school’s office (to include bylaws, past minutes, council correspondence, latest school report card, current comprehensive plan, report to parents, and other pertinent documentation). In addition, the secretary prepares official correspondence as necessary, ensures minutes are available to all council members, faculty members, and parents, and maintains a list of council membership with current telephone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses, if available. Officers may also perform other duties as outlined in the SC SIC Handbook “The Basics”.
Meetings and Voting
The meeting calendar for the academic year will be determined annually by the SIC members. The council will hold at least eight regular meetings during the calendar year. The principal or chairperson may call special meetings as long as all council members are notified of the meeting at least 24 hours in advance. When possible, the first council meeting of the academic year will be held in July, but no later than September 30. All council meetings are open to the public and anyone showing an interest in the council and its activities is encouraged to attend. Persons interested in presenting at a council meeting may request to be put on the agenda no later than four business days before the meeting date. The chairperson will time the agenda to ensure that council business is properly conducted.
A simple majority of the council membership will constitute a quorum if at least one parent and one teacher are present. Council decisions should be made by consensus. If voting becomes necessary, a simple majority will be sufficient for a vote on any issue. Each member will have one vote. Absentee ballots or proxy voting will not be permitted.
The principal will share information regarding council roles, responsibilities, and functions as well as information on school and district policies and procedures with council members.
Council members will be encouraged to attend school improvement council training workshops sponsored by the district and the South CarolinaSchool Improvement Council (SC-SIC) of the University of South Carolina's College of Education.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the council by a two-thirds vote of those present provided that the specific amendments have been introduced at a prior meeting, included in the minutes of that meeting, and are listed on the agenda for the current meeting
Date Approved: September 12 , 2019